Portfolio Rubric

Using this for your template, create a portfolio of your best work, a minimum of one shot from each assignment. I managed to throw this together in about twenty minutes. You need the experience in creating an actual portfolio, something beyond posting pics to a blog.

Headings for your portfolio should include Hard News, Feature News, Illustration and/or Editorial.

Once you've created your portfolio, copy and paste the link to a blog post where others can find it. Be sure to critique the portfolio of one of your peers in the class.

Yes, there's a learning curve to Wix, and yes, it's going to challenge you. That's the point. If you wish to use some other template for your portfolio, please feel free to do so.

Have this created and posted by Monday, April 24th, and have your critiques posted by Wednesday, April 26th. These are drop-dead deadlines.

Point Value: 100